The End of Design

On becoming a nerd
Where do nerds come from? What is it about their upbringing, or perhaps genetic makeup, that makes them nerds? Is nerdness a good thing or a bad thing? How do we avoid turning our children into nerds? Or how can we ensure that they become nerds? In this talk I would like to reveal the development of a particular nerd over several decades, how he became a nerd, what happened as he grew up, and what he’s doing now. read more ...

Happy inside the Box

We never read, we just look at letters
In this fast-paced era of technology, devices, categories, information overload and the ultimate chaos online, the best way to be connected is to turn everything off for awhile. Nibs, pens and brushes are some of the tools Resistenza uses to get offline and go back to the times when ink, paper and human skills were the best way to communicate. read more ...

DYE – Dynamic Entities, Systems, Networks